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Event Series CANDI Women’s Space

CANDI Women’s Space

CANDI Community Space 31, Market Street, Cinderford

A safe space for women to meet over a cuppa. Majority of times we have an activity (crafts, sewing, meditation, etc.) or just a chat and chill over a cuppa […]


Common Ground

Cinderford Palace Cinema, Bellevue Road, Cinderford, GL14 2AA

Forest of Dean Sculpture Trust presents Common Ground, a film by Sam Williams. The film was commissioned to commemorate the 40th anniversary of the first conversations that took place with […]

Event Series CANDI DANCE


drybrook memorial hall Drybrook Memorial Hall, Drybrook RD, Drybrook

We have two dance groups on Wednesday evenings at Drybrook Village Hall (5-6pm) and Oaklands, Cinderford (6.15-7.15 pm). Contact Lynsey on for more details.
