March 2, 2023
10:00 am
4:00 pm

Fairtrade Pop-Up Shop at Fairtrade at St Stephen’s (Belle Vue Rd, Cinderford, GL14 2AA) packed with fairly traded gifts, food, homewares, toys, garden, upcycled & recycled creations, decorations and more… we have much much much more than we normally have on display in the shop at church!
Hampers can be made up whilst you wait. PLUS special offers for Fairtrade Fortnight.
Starting on Thursday 2 March (10 am – 4 pm), Friday 3 March (10 am – 4 pm) and Saturday 4 March (10 am – 2 pm) which will be the “Big Brew & BakeOff” – see separate event listing for more info!
More dates may be added; please keep an eye on the “Fairtrade at St Stephen’s” Facebook page for the latest information PLUS sneak previews of offers, new stock and details about chocolate tasting events…
[Image description: Poster with background of faded image of hands around the world overlaid is text detailing the Fairtrade Pop-Up Shop at St Stephen’s Church in Cinderford as described above on Thursday 2 March – Saturday 4 March, with more dates possibly to be added in the future. Plus the Fairtrade Mark and the Fairtrade at St Stephen’s logo]